Gillie and Marc Schattner have been called "the most successful and prolific creators of public art in New York’s History" by The New York Times. Creating some of the world’s most innovative public sculptures together, Gillie and Marc are re-designing what public art should be. They are on a mission to spread messages of love, equality, and conservation around the world. Their highly coveted sculptures and paintings can be found in art galleries and public sites in over 250 cities across the globe. They have been Archibald Prize Finalists and have won the Chianciano Biennale in Italy, among many other notable awards and accolades.
Referred to by the media as “the world’s most loving artists”, this artistic duo has worked side by side for more than 30 years. Being able to create art as one shared vision and spreading the powerful love they have through the world. The pair first met on a film shoot in Hong Kong, knowing life would never be the same, they ran away 7-days later to Nepal to get married on the foothills of Mount Everest- they’ve stayed inseparable ever since.
Together, Gillie and Marc have been very vocal as proud activists and advocates for gender equality. In all ways they live, whether in their professional life and at home, they have a balanced respect as equals. Gillie and Marc believe that this is how a truly loving and respectful relationship should co-exist. Their decisions and responsibilities are shared and celebrated, their long standing love and success can be a testament to this.
Statues For Equality was born after a reflection of the artist’s own work. They discovered that over the past 15 years, they had many sculpture commissions requested of them for men but only 1% of women. They dug a little deeper and found that this was not unique for them but a global issue!
Public statues are made to inspire, celebrate success, and tell the most important stories of the community. By leaving out the women from this equation, we are leaving out half the world- it becomes no wonder that women are still not seen in equal regards to men with this portrayal in history. Gillie and Marc decided to put their artistic talents to work in hopes to change this representation imbalance in public art. Gillie and Marc will make sure that the incredible women in this world will have their stories shared, celebrated and will go on to inspire generations to come.
Gillie and Marc do not want Statues For Equality to be solely their project. They are calling on the entire world to become a part of this movement for gender and racial equality through public art! They are asking the public to become actively involved by nominating women who should be honoured in everlasting bronze and to help spread the word about these crucial and current issues. They are calling for cities, businesses and communities to aid in commissioning more statues of inspiring women and to offer up public spaces to house these new works. Gillie and Marc are also calling on all artists to help them to reach their aim of 50% representation of women in public statues around the world by 2030.
Join Gillie and Marc in the Statues For Equality movement. Find out how you can help here!